The William Wates Memorial Trust is working with Future Frontiers to provide career coaching and guidance to empower disadvantaged young people to discover their aspirations and take positive next steps towards secure, fulfilling employment.

Young people aged 14-16 from London will take part in career coaching sessions hosted by dedicated business partners and receive guidance to develop an action plan to achieve motivating post-16 qualifications.  During the programme, young people will develop the career readiness, self-belief and motivation they need to access life-changing education and career opportunities.

“Thank you so much for helping me with deciding what I want to do after my GCSEs. These sessions have been really helpful and now I am sure about what I want to do and why I want to do it as well. It has motivated me to do my best to try and get where I want to be in studying and after secondary school.”

– Rhiannon, Year 10

In 2025 WWMT have awarded Future Frontiers a £25,000 per annum grant for 2 years. This grant will enable 120 disadvantaged young people aged 14 – 16 in London to take part in their career coaching and guidance programme. The project has 2 main phases across Years 10 & 11.

Future Frontiers